
Taking Higher Ed Higher

an Online Strategy for Higher Education


Noodle Website Redesign


Education, Professional, Website


Art Direction, Branding, Creative Direction, Graphic Design, Project Management, Prototyping, Research, Strategy, Website Design, UX/UI

Creative Direction: Fabrice Frere
Design: Fabrice Frere
Production: Planetfab

In partnering with Noodle, an esteemed leader in providing strategy, services, and technology for higher education, PlanetFab set out to revolutionize their online presence. Our challenge was to realign their website to mirror Noodle’s commitment to being a pivotal B2B resource for universities. This project was an exciting opportunity to blend our design expertise with Noodle’s vision of transforming educational landscapes.

Stakeholder Engagement: We initiated our journey with a comprehensive questionnaire distributed among Noodle’s stakeholders. This step was critical in understanding their new direction and ensuring our redesign efforts were in lockstep with their core focus on serving the educational community.

Site Audit and Strategy: Our in-depth audit of Noodle’s existing website revealed key opportunities to enhance the user experience. We strategically planned a redesign that would not only attract but also engage and retain the key decision-makers from universities and educational institutions.

Persona Definition: Crafting accurate user personas was a crucial step in our process, enabling us to tailor the user journey on the website. These personas represented Noodle’s ideal site visitors, guiding us in designing intuitive and meaningful user flows.

Competitive Analysis: We conducted a thorough competitive analysis, ensuring Noodle’s website would stand out in the market. This involved studying industry best practices and identifying unique approaches to avoid common pitfalls.

Pitch Deck Insights: By meticulously analyzing Noodle’s Pitch Deck, we gained valuable insights into their unique selling points. These elements were intricately woven into the website’s narrative, aligning seamlessly with their sales and marketing strategies.

Content Alignment: Aligning our design with Noodle’s mission and messaging was key. The responses from our stakeholder questionnaire provided a clear direction for content development, ensuring consistency and relevance throughout the site.

Wireframe Development: Our wireframe phase laid the structural groundwork for the website. It served as the initial sketch, outlining the site’s architecture and ensuring a logical, user-friendly navigation system.

Prototyping: The journey from low to high fidelity prototypes was marked by collaborative feedback and meticulous refinements. This phase allowed us to perfect both the design and user interface elements, ensuring a polished end product.

Final Design: The culmination of our efforts was a high-fidelity prototype, enriched with Noodle’s final content. This prototype served as the definitive guide for the development team, ensuring a smooth transition from design to implementation.

The collaboration between PlanetFab and Noodle stands as a beacon of how strategic design can powerfully converge with educational innovation, creating a digital platform that not only informs but also empowers universities and their communities.

“Collaborating with PlanetFab was a transformative journey for Noodle. Their creative direction, coupled with a transparent and systematic approach, brought a new level of clarity and efficiency to our project, vividly translating our vision into a dynamic web presence.”
John Katzman
Chief Executive Officer